Thursday, June 30, 2011

The beginning

Are you familiar with the sitcom Seinfeld, the show about nothing? This blog will be much the same ... a blog about nothing.

Just like Seinfeld wasn’t really about nothing, neither will this blog. As an avid reader there might be a book review; as a keen movie watcher there might be movie critique; and as an job hunter there might be some hopeful and disappointing tales.
Something good or something bad, something funny or something scary might happen. People often claim that nothing ever happens to them, but I’m here to prove them wrong. Every day is filled with experiences.

Today was a rather gloomy day for me. I’ve been battling a cold for the past eleven days and even though I feel better I have a nagging cough. I cannot turn to a cough mixture for relief, as cough mixtures have alcohol in them and I am alcohol non-tolerant.

Following the advice of my son I bought some cough lozenges. Even though I found temporary relief with the first one, it’s unlikely that I will take a second one as these lozenges bring about a string of problems of their own.

One: it sat on my stomach
Two: lack of appetite
Three: insomnia
Four: depression

The forth one was really a kicker. I could live with the nausea, lack of appetite and lack of sleep, but the depression scared me. I’m usually quiet energetic and upbeat, but suddenly I found myself to be walking under a black cloud. I didn’t care about anyone or anything anymore. I even lost my zest for writing. Anyone who knows me will know ... that’s serious.

So I took the day off today. I did nothing but read my book and stare into space. How exciting hu.
But as Scarlett O’Hara said “Tomorrow is another day” ... I wonder what that one will bring.