Saturday, July 2, 2011

Smokers Bashing

I am so sick and tired of the smokers bashing. Today I read an article that stated that quitting smoking can be helped by friends sending the ‘quitter’ text messages like “You can do it.”

Really, you really think that sending a text message is going to help a smoker quit? Who wrote that article? A non-smoker I’m sure. If it were that easy, smoking would not be recognized as THE worst addiction.

And what was the texter doing while sending “You can do it” messages? Downing another cocktail? Stuffing his face with a fatty hamburger?
When is the smokers bashing gonna stop? When can we expect some alcohol drinking, junk food eating bashing?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Canada Day

Today is the 1st of July and as such Canada Day. If Canada is celebrating their independence from England, they’re not doing a very good job of it though. They still have queen Elizabeth on their currency and in the month of May they’re celebrating Victoria Day. As an independent country, why anyone would still want to celebrate a queen who is been dead for a number of years is beyond me. But there you have it.

In my neighborhood and over the Toronto skyline I can see fireworks. In the neighborhood they are little more than colored firecrackers, but over downtown Toronto there are some really elaborate displays.

The cats don’t like the noise. From the first bang they ran for cover. Three of the five that is. Mickey is a fearless cat and instead of hiding he wants to see things. He’s positioned himself on the windowsill so he can see far and wide what is going on. Charlie is rather old and I suspect deaf, so the noise doesn’t bother him.

The most significant event of the day is that I started a new novel. Finally. For quite some time now I’ve been walking around with another story in mind, but I couldn’t find a suitable beginning. I made a few attempts, but none of them met my approval. So it was a matter of delete, delete, delete. Now I think I have something though. We’ll see.